Friday, August 5, 2011


I wasn't really sure how to title this article, but now I think "endings" is as good as any. My daughter has come so far in her ability to make friends that this summer has been filled with activities involving going out with them. It has been such a thrill as a parent to watch this happening right before my eyes. Like any parent, her joy is my joy. This past week-end we were at a party at my sister's house when my daughter got a text from one of her friends. She considered this girl a good friend. In fact, at every one of my daughter's birthday parties, she was always invited. If I remember correctly, she came to every one of them except maybe one. So when it was time to put together a half-page for their yearbook, she decided to include a small photograph of a group picture that included this girl. There were other people in this half-page and all were thrilled to be in it. My daughter was so proud to have these friends and family in her life. She thought it was important enough to document it in her yearbook. Well, this girl texted my daughter about being upset about being in this yearbook. Needless to say, my daughter was distraught about her reaction. Neither she nor I could believe what we both read. I was so upset that this incident had caused her buckets of tears. It was a hurtful and unnecessary. The only way to make sense of this reaction and to comfort my daughter was to stay calm. I know this girl has some difficulties to deal with in her life and that is probably why she reacted the way she did. This is what I told my daughter. In time, it was an explanation that she could accept. The tears stopped. The "friend" texted several times to apologize. And my daughter has moved on. She continues to enjoy this wonderful hot summer. I'm sure this girl and my daughter will run into each other and I trust my daughter will be civil to her. In fact, I'm sure she will. However, this "friendship" will not be the same and will take time to repair. In a way, it is an "ending".  One door closes, another one opens.

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