Wednesday, April 20, 2011

An Unforgettable Reunion

     Washington DC was the setting of choice for the mid-April reunion of a bunch of young girls who graduated high school in the Philippines in 1973. This has become a yearly event for us for quite some time. Monetary and time constraints have made it impossible for me to attend every single one. However, I have managed to attend the previous Florida and New York reunions. This latest one in DC was special because it was an opportunity to bring my mother and daughter. A number of my classmates brought their spouses and one other classmate brought her mother. My mother who will soon be 83 was thrilled to see all my classmates. There was a connection with all of them. It was inevitable that she knew someone in each of their families. I also wanted my daughter to meet the wonderful women I grew up with. Then there is the education that travelling gives her. DC in particular is so terrific for that because of all the museums they offer. This is a time when she learns to be more flexible with a lot of aspects of her life, including her schedule and her food. In addition, this was another opportunity for her to hone her social skills. In my eyes, she passed with flying colors.
     Seeing all my classmates is really like going to the fountain of youth. When you first see each other, it brings you back to your high school days. You look around and even though we are all in our young 50's, it feels like we are back to a time when the nuns used to tell us our skirts were too short and we needed to submit a whole bunch of term papers. The reunion was filled with laughter and shared experiences. We have different situations but share the feeling of treasuring our past and loving our families and friends. How wonderful it has been to get to see these terrific people. Having my mom and daughter along for the ride is icing on the cake. This was A TRULY UNFORGETTABLE REUNION.

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