Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Her Friends, My Friends, Our Friends

For many of my friends, the social component of our kids' lives has proven to be marked with challenges. As parents and particularly as mothers, we do everything we can to help along the way. Part of that means finding each other as friends. That inevitably has led to our kids finding each other as friends. Every get-together means a lot. It doesn't matter how "insignificant" the event might seem to others. To us, it is important and we make time for every opportunity to socialize. These get-togethers have proven to be fun and a wonderful source of support for the parents. More importantly, they are loads of fun for our kids. This past week-end was the birthday of one of the kids and it was a bowling party. I happen to really enjoy bowling even though that appreciation for the sport and my ability do not match up. Bowling was followed by a fabulous dinner at the celebrant's home. Their hospitality is unbelievable. Now, this was a very "significant" time. Having a good time is contagious and something we all need. It's something our kids need. So, my friends, let's raise our glass to many many more of these get-togethers.


  1. Oh yes, our kids had a good time, but we, the parents had a fabulous time!
