Sunday, September 26, 2010


The summer of 2010 was a particularly difficult one for our family. My husband had a "simple" surgery that went awry. The difficulties my husband had were witnessed first hand by my daughter who was in the hospital with me the day of the surgery and several days after for visits. She and her dad are very close. He makes such an effort to do stuff with her. My daughter has never seen her father this sick and the concern about his health was visible in her actions and in her demeanor. Such was her depression that she did not even get together with her friends for her birthday (July). This is something she does every year and it is the highlight of her summer even though she does it on a small scale. It saddened me to see her this way. Talking to a psychologist definitely helped. Even more important and necessary was talking to her tutors, close adult friends, family and her dear friends. This past Saturday (Sept. 25) she got together at Pizzeria Uno with her friends Stephanie, Briana, Candice, Suzanne, Samantha, Aditi and Alice. I was at a nearby table and could hear all the wonderful conversation. The joy in my daughter's voice was unmistakable. Over the summer, she also got together with Erik quite a number of times to share Thursdays at Bryant Park for Broadway on Broadway (Broadway stars perform for free.).  My daughter is now back to her usual happy self with her usual teenage moments, thanks to all her friends. And the journey continues.....

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