Thursday, September 30, 2010

Broadway Shows and My Daughter

My daughter's interest in live shows started quite early in her life. The very first live show she ever saw was a small production of Snow White when she was 6 years old. Since both my husband and I loved these kind of shows, it seemed only natural that we would be taking her to a number of them. While we loved Broadway shows, they were impossible to watch more than once or twice a year because of expenses. Nonetheless, we went to as many as we could plus any other smaller productions we could get our hands on. Despite being quite the hyperactive child with lots of issues when it came to focusing, these shows fascinated her. For that matter, so did movies. At these events, we knew she would sit still and really concentrate. In 2006, when she was 14 years old, we discovered lotteries and rushes for Broadway shows (go to for more information on lotteries and rushes).  This is the only way you can watch Broadway shows at incredibly cheap prices (anywhere from $20 to $31 per ticket). From hereon, we were so hooked on Broadway shows. My daughter was addicted in the most wonderful way. She became interested in all the details about the shows and the actors and read voraciously on this topic. She could talk for hours about the different shows and this helped her with her verbal language skills. Broadway actors are a kind compassionate bunch and they come out after the shows to sign playbills and talk to their fans. My very shy daughter has been able to courageously ask for their autograph, take a picture with them and talk to them. Inadvertently, she developed a love for writing reviews. She writes reviews on their school productions and on Broadway shows for their school newspaper. She has found something she is passionately intererested in and it has contributed to her development in so many ways. The best therapy ever!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your daughter is fortunate to having you as the mother!My son has a passion of arts.I'm glad he found something he can really enjoy. Our kids can talk about the subject they really interested in for hours and hours. They are amazing!
