Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Time For Us

All through this "journey" that I have taken with my daughter, I have had the honor and opportunity to meet so many other parents who have faced similar challenges. We may have chosen different methods of therapy or different educational settings, but we all have one thing in common. We all have fought very hard to make sure our children are in the very best school, in the very best educational setting and achieve their absolute highest potential. Sure, we have stumbled along the way. Sure the path has not been easy. The work and effort have been worth it when we see what our kids can do. We feel so tied to their achievements. We are so very proud of all our children's accomplishments, whatever they may be. And yet, as humble mothers, we never admit to ourselves or to anyone else that we have contributed to that. Maybe, it's time we should. We have worked so hard and spent so much of our time, never begrudgingly, to see that our children do get to that wonderful spot at the "top" of the ladder. For me, and I'm sure this is true for all other mothers, it has been nothing but a joy to do this. But if we are to keep up the energy to do more, we will need time for ourselves. We need to be able to unwind, relax and be selfish and think of no one but ourselves. That lunch, dinner, movie, spa treatment, shopping excursion, or even getting our hair and/or nails done with a friend, friends or even alone is so needed and yet we postpone it almost all the time. The excuses ranges from work, kid's homework, cooking, hubby needs us, too tired, no time, etc. Well, we better do this or we are going to run out of steam pretty soon. I might be writing this blog because I am just as guilty as anyone else of not being able to make time for "us". It's time we should.

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right.As parents, we deserve to take some time off to unwind and regroup our energy and emotion. Great blog.
