Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Password Game

When my daughter was diagnosed with autism, we took her to a speech therapist who told me that if I handled (the word she used was "fixed") the speech issues, the other skills would fall into place. Of course, I thought this was just talk on her part. Nevertheless, I knew better than not to try to do just that. She had 5 days of speech therapy in school and sessions with the private speech therapist about 3 times a week. That gradually slowed down because these private sessions were extremely expensive. This was, however, the best piece of advice I ever got. At this point, everything we did was centered around trying to improve her speech and language skills. One of my daughter's favorite things to do was play in her bedroom by herself. I took one of those plastic protective sheets that you put in binders and printed a "password" for the day in big, bold and colored letters. This sheet was tacked to the front of her bedroom door. Before she could go in her bedroom, she had to read the word and use it in a sentence. It was done as a daily game and she loved it. We loved it too. Thank you Lorraine for everything you've done.

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